While many other schools charge you extra fees or require purchasing your own materials like textbooks, etc., we offer a turnkey tuition program for our students. Tuition is $3,350.00 and includes everything you need to become a Registered Dental Assistant. There are no hidden fees or costs. We pay for your health care workers CPR, textbook, study guides and state approved exam to become a Registered Dental Assistant (RDA). We are by far the lowest total cost dental assisting program in the area. We offer two additional payment plans for those students who would like a “pay as you go” option.
Get in-depth information on enrollment, tuition, curriculum, and learn how you can become a dental assistant in only 10 Saturdays at one of our 3 Houston locations.
We compared the top five schools in Texas (by annual enrollment) that are delivering a course focused on Dental Assisting in which students are being awarded the same certificate and how they stack up against Houston Dental Assistant School. As you can see, our school delivers the same certificate in a lot less time and at a fraction of the total cost!
School Name | Course Time | Annual Enrollment | Competition Rate | Cost |
Competitor #1 | 795 | 446 | 72.10% | $17,799.45 |
Competitor #2 | 768 | 200 | 75% | $16,208.99 |
Competitor #3 | 900 | 194 | 52% | $22,800 |
Competitor #4 | 795 | 188 | 73% | $17,159 |
Competitor #5 | 968 | 174 | 73% | $19,990 |
HDAS | 80 | 273 | 94% | $3,350 |
HDAS uses an accelerated curriculum, focusing on helping you master the skills of basic Dental Assisting by using hand-on learning. Our program is built on delivering what’s important in a fast paced, fun and exciting environment. While our program will have classroom instruction, we also an on-demand lecture series that allows you to work around your busy schedule. Because our classes take place in a dental office rather than a classroom, the majority of time is spent in labs learning the essential techniques of Dental Assisting. Our students graduate with the knowledge and comfortability of working in a dental practice.
HDAS offers an “all-inclusive” tuition program for our students. The program cost is $3,350.00 and includes everything you need to become a Registered Dental Assistant, which includes your health care workers CPR, textbook, study guides and the TSBDE state approved RDA exam. There are two additional payment plans for those students who would like a “pay as you go” option, you can click here for more information on our weekly payment options.
Our classes take place in an actual Dental Office and we have designed a learning experience that utilizes the capabilities of technology and hands-on learning. Our online learning system provides convenience and flexibility to acquiring information, while our hands-on learning methods provide realistic experience to prepare you the actual working environment. Our staff of over 30 tenured dental assisting instructors that provide our students with real life practical instruction to make your transition into a new job seamless.
Two enroll at HDAS we require 2 steps: 1. You must complete an enrollment application online and make a deposit to reserve your seat in the preferred session. 2. Provide a high school diploma or transcript, general equivalency diploma (G.E.D.), or college transcript (minimum of 12 credit hours). If your diploma or transcript is from outside the United States, it will require validation through a third party, i.e. SpantTran.